Activities of INAPR
- Weekly Webinar
- The 10th Joint Working Group between France and Indonesia to be held on 26-28 June 2018 in Poitiers (France). About 350-400 registration have been recorded and we are 44 in the roundtable for Information, Communication and Technology. Unfortunately, we could not attend the conference. (poster)
- Anto S. Nugroho attended the International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Beijing, August 19-25, 2018. In this conference, Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition was formally approved as an official member of International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) on August 22, 2018, at the Governing Board meeting held in Beijing, China, in conjunction with ICPR 2018 ( Pictures : 1, 2 )
- INSIDE the IAPR : The IAPR Welcomes the Indonesian Association for Pattern Recognition (INAPR), page 8, IAPR Newsletter, Vol.40, No.4, Oct. 2018 (link: )
- Guest Lecture by Dr. Elly Matul Imah in Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia (STIKI), Malang. This lecture was conducted on November 8, 2019. Report of this activity can be seen from STIKI website . ( File : pdf )
- Guest Lecture by Dr.Anto S. Nugroho and Gembong S. Wibowanto, M.Sc. (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja, Bali, on Desember 10, 2019. The title of the lecture is Biometrics technology for better social services using "KTP-el". (Pictures : 1, 2, 3, 4 )
- INAPR involved in Task Force of Technology Research and Innovation (TFRIC19) to development of Artificial Intelligence technology to fight against Covid-19
( news )
- INAPR supported The International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (ICONETSI), 28 September 2020 ( URL: )
- INAPR involved in Indonesia Artificial Intelligence Summit (